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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm Back....

Whheewww! It has been a very busy couple of months. We have been busy out and about! We have taken on some house projects, that I will post, but the one thing I have pictures of is my melted crayon art project I took on over Thanksgiving break. I have lost a lot of time on pintrest. I love seeing all of the craft ideas and recipes. I finally took one on and am very excited about it! I hope you enjoy...once I get these babies on a wall the project will be complete!
I started by grabbing canves that was on sale at Ross for $6 for a pack of three! I am always so amazed at what I can find there. I printed out the barn and the tractor and traced them onto the canvas. I then took a sharpie marker and filled them in.
Whheewww! It has been a very busy couple of months. We have been busy out and about! We have taken on some house projects, that I will post, but the one thing I have pictures of is my melted crayon art project I took on over Thanksgiving break. I have lost a lot of time on pintrest. I love seeing all of the craft ideas and recipes. I finally took one on and am very excited about it! I hope you enjoy...once I get these babies on a wall the project will be complete!
Once the canveses were ready I pulled out the crayons from colors that I wanted to use--Crayola Crayons worked awesome--I had a friend who tried a project with crayons and bought cheaper ones and hers didn't turn out. I super glued the crayons onto the canvas borrowed Shane's heat gun from the shop and my friend and I went to town melting crayons. Don't forget wax paper underneath the canvas to catch the melted crayon! If you don't have access to a heat gun, then a hair dryer would work well too. I was surprised at how quickly the wax started dripping down. Each canvas only took a couple minutes to be finished. We are really excited about these and are happy with the way they turned out.


  1. Ooooh Marie - way to go! Most of the pinterest things I've tried have been cooking (or adult beverages, duh!), but I need to start getting crafty. Your art looks awesome!

  2. Thanks ladies! They were so fun and easy (kids would love it!) The color didn't turn out in the pictures--they look a lot cuter in person!
