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Monday, November 29, 2010

Thankful for so much...

I have been back from Alaska for over and month and life has just whipped right on by! It took me a bit to get used to driving in Idaho and Washington and it has been great being able to sleep in my own bed again! I do have to admit that I do miss out eating all the time, but am very happy to be in Tekoa where there are familiar faces, and of course happy to be back with Shane.
Thanksgiving sneaked up on me this year, and was over before I could get a second helping of turkey! We celebrated at my Grandparents house in Myrtle, (outside of Lewiston.) It was the first time since the wedding that I have spent time with them and my parents and brothers, aunts, uncles and cousins rounded out the guest list. It was fabulous having the entire 'gang' back together.
My parents and brothers joined Shane and I in Tekoa, WA for a couple days. We watched football, ate great food, and played the Wii. I realize I am very fortunate for family and friends this season! Thank you everyone being a part of my life! Until next time!