Last summer, my father in-law said to me many times, "Marie, are you becoming Suzy-homemaker?" I would laugh and say, "No way!" I am a strong, independent woman...I wasn't insulted, but I told myself, I will never be Suzy-homemaker. I am proud of that I have never baked a pie from scratch (even though my husband has and can) I have never canned anything or froze vegetables. I was content, I was happy with my crazy busy life.
I don't know if any of you have noticed as the price of fresh food has gone higher and higher. The price tag on my groceries has continued to go up and, I know I am not alone here, but I have other (maybe not necessities) items I would like to spend money on! So, I have taken a big step toward becoming a "Suzy-homemaker" and dang it--I'm proud of it!
I started by freezing raspberries. We were over taken by raspberry bushes this year and Shane and I spent a lot of time picking in the evenings. I then froze what we didn't snack on. Next were green beans. Fresh green beans are delicious--green beans from the farm and so much better than canned, so I blanched green beans and froze them for use throughout the winter.
I don't know if anyone is quite as addicted to peppers as I am--but they are ridiculously expensive up here in Moscow. At one point I saw a green pepper for $3. I almost cried. I cannot afford green peppers at this prize. Luckily, Purdum's Produce, in Fruitland had green peppers, 3/$1. I stocked up and took them home and sliced them and then froze them in bags.
I have now moved on to corn on the cob! I always thought the corn that my Grandmother froze every summer took so much time--I have now learned that it is worth the time to have delicious corn year round! There also happens to be some great tools out there to make life a lot easier! Pictures will be posted tomorrow of some of my experiences!
If you have canned or frozen foods and have some tips--I'd love to hear them!!