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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Glaciers, Moose, Eagles, Oh My!

Awww....Alaska. I have been really enjoyed being in Alaska. It is going to be so hard to go back to Tekoa and Moscow. Before this trip I truly thought I lived in the most beautiful area, no offense to anyone in North Idaho/Eastern Washington, but Alaska is AMAZING!! I grew up in a family that went camping, explored, and got out to the unknown of the Northwest. I thought I had seen it all. I have been to ghost towns, Yellowstone, and many other National Monuments, and parks. I thought it would take a lot for me to be surprised or amazed at my surrounding. I have been in awe most of my trip here so far. Here is a taste of what I have experienced and there is more to come!
Sunday while I was driving through Anchorage a moose (yes a full size moose!) crossed the street. Now, I pictured Anchorage as a smaller "city"--bigger than a town but still small. Boy, was I wrong. It is a good sized city with more than one Target! And here is a moose walking down the street! It was absolutely amazing.
Monday I had the pleasure of visiting Seward and Soldonta High Schools on the Kenai Penninsula. I had some spare time in Seward before I left for my next visit and was able to visit Exit Glacier. This is my first experience with a glacier. I didn't know what to expect, but I was amazed at the beautiful color and the size of the glacier. As I was leaving the glacier a Bald Eagle flew right over me--it was amazing feeling to be engulfed by nature, only 8 miles from a town.
I was able to look at four different glaciers in the portage area later that day after all my visits and they were all amazing. Once again a different bald eagle appeared. I was able to pull over and take some pictures as it ate its fish that it pulled out of the stream. As you can see I was able to get very close!
Now, I should probably say something about the work I am doing up here. Every student that I have met has known someone who has been or is currently a student at the wonderful University of Idaho. I have been very excited about the students and the teachers that I have encountered. This trip has been a blast and tonight I started the fair circuit and was able to meet the recruiters from other institutions.
As always, more to come soon. Tonight I am in Ketchikan, tomorrow Sitka, the day after tomorrow Juneau....I am a traveling fool!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having such a great time, Marie...even if it is the home of Sarah Palin (when she isn't having tea with her fellow "nut jobs" and "witches"). Love you!!
